Our mission is simple:
To share the life skill of Qi Gong with everyone, and build a world with less pain and more happiness!
The FREE Online Zoom Classes have ended.
We thank everyone who took the time to come and train with us. If you're still interested in Qi Gong training, we have an online course based on the zoom classes that you can purchase separately or join the Full Immersion Program.
Taoism & Qi Gong - The Path
A 7 part series is mean to further your understanding of Taoism and Qi Gong
The Qi Gong Path - Part 1: Understanding and Defining Your Goals
This is about the idea of starting your Qi Gong journey. The most important thing is to CLEARLY define your goals.
The Qi Gong Path - Part 2: The 4 Pillars
Discover the meaning of the 4 pillars or '4 possibilities' of practice.
The Qi Gong Path - Part 3: Original Nature
Let's talk about the idea of original self. What 'it' is and how to open yourself to it.
The Qi Gong Path - Part 4: Your view and your method MUST match
Be wary of approaching things too conceptually, practice first. Test it before you get lost in the intellectual debate.
The Qi Gong Path - Part 5: Why Meditate Beyond Mental and Physical Benefits
There are many ways to meditate. Most ways give you mental and physical benefits, but why is the reason to continue meditating beyond those basic benefits.
The Qi Gong Path - Part 6: Inject your meditation practice in your daily life
What is the point of meditation? To inject it back into your daily life. Not just in a superficial way...
The Path - Part 7 - Questions And Answers
Reviewing Parts 1 to 6, we go over some frequently asked questions.

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