Adjusting traditional Kung Fu for modern-day situations.

Wing Chun + Hakka Kung Fu is just the beginning!

Hey there, 

Sifu Adam Chan here!

How are you today? I hope you're doing good. I'd like to share with you a little bit of my happiness on this day.

A few years back, when I started to learn martial arts, a lot of what I studied and practiced back then didn't make any sense to me. I couldn't understand how I could connect everything I was learning. And I bet you, as a martial artist,...

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HAKKA FIST against boxing cover - Kung Fu Report #251


In the last episode, I shared with you the application of Hakka Fist when your opponent is attacking, and in today's episode, we will demo various applications for when your opponent is in defense mode. We also will talk about how to understand and use the Hakka Fist concept for both situations, offensively and defensively.

If you would like to watch this video with subtitles, check this link...

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Wing Chun Influenced by Hakka Martial Arts - KFR 209


Hakka people migrated from the north of China centuries ago. The reception in other regions was very hostile so they have to develop their very own martial arts style to defend their families and beloved ones. My family is a Hakkanese backgrounded family and on today's Kung Fu report I'm going to share with you how Kung Fu, Wing Chun, and Hakkanese style, mixed up during my martial arts...

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