Adjusting traditional Kung Fu for modern-day situations.
The Hakka Fist system likes to use a lot of double fist techniques. And in today's Kung Fu Report we will talk and demo about an intermediate level of Hakka technique, where you can use one side of your body to attack in extremely close range. Want to know more about it? Let's check this episode out.
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Hakka techniques are done close range. There are many techniques that use both hands for striking. Today we will demo one of these techniques. The double palm transfers to a double strike.
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Interested in modern Wing Chun with a mix of traditional and non-traditional techniques? Join...
Hakka Fist seems to get a bit of traction lately. Today we will talk and demo the consecutive cutting/raking hammer fist. This is a very common technique in the Hakka arts and there are many ways to use it if you have one specific attribute.
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Interested in modern Wing Chun with a mix of...
Wing Chun is famous for its trapping techniques. While there are many ways to counter a trapping technique, today we will work on how to counter a trap more effectively.
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Interested in modern Wing Chun with a mix of traditional and non-traditional techniques? Join us: ...
How can you possibly generate good power in a compromised position? How Wing Chun third form, the Bil Tze, will help you change a bad scenario using the right amount of power you need?
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Interested in modern Wing Chun with a mix of traditional and non-traditional techniques? Join...
In the last two episodes, Cris and I demo and talked about some of the Tai Chi Double Fist techniques and their versatility and also about how to let your Wing Chun movements flow naturally through your training. In today's Kung Fu Report we will discuss how to use Wing Chun to counter a Double Fist and use the concepts and techniques we have talked about. Join us and enjoy it.
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After you train a lot, your movements come out naturally, almost without you thinking. Some people do not understand this concept because they think it is something they will learn from somebody else, but in fact, you perceive and achieve this feeling. In today's Kung Fu Report, we will discuss how you can train aiming to insert...
In today's Kung Fu Report, we are going to see a classical Tai Chi movement that's also seen in other different styles. I've learned it in a Shaolin class so stick with us today to learn more about the Double Fist and its applications in Tai Chi and other Chinese martial arts.
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Centuries ago, people use to learn martial arts essentially for survival. Tribes used to fight with each other and having martial arts skills would save your whole family from foreign attacks. Today, people practice Wing Chun, Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Bagua, and many other styles not for the same reason as they used to in the past. Because the reasons have changed "masters" also created their way of...
Following the Bill Gee Wing Chun Form episodes, I'm going to demonstrate today how to make use of the elbow as a tactic combative instrument when your opponent gets too close to you. When things get hit up and you feel you can't escape from confronting your opponent the Bill Gee form jumps in to help you with the right techniques to manage this situation.
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